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My Buggy Buddy Holders

My Buggy Buddy Holders
Blue HolderRed Holder
Ref: MBB0030
price: £9.99

My Buggy Buddy Holders - The new Holders are designed to hold walking sticks or crutches on the back of a Wheelchair or Walking frame.  The Holders can be moved into any position  as they rotate in the middle between each clamp. Extra plastic inserts give more flexibility as to what they will fit and hold. PLEASE NOTE, The insers do come out so we also have our Grips which are a Velcro design which may assist.

Independently safety tested. Available in Black, Blue or Red. 


  • Heavy duty Holder with removable inserts

  • Rotatable

  •  independently safety tested

  • UK and EU safety compliant

  • 12 months guarantee

Instructions: View PDF

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